Well, another amazing festival has come and gone. Great movies were seen, wonderful folks were met or caught up with. Let’s recap, by the numbers:
Number of shows I saw: 10*. I had planned to see 18, but I was feeling a bit under the weather for most of the festival, so I had to slow way down.
[* Well, more like 9½, since I left halfway through Romeos.]
Number of awards I won: The new Cineplex Golden Popcorn Award, for being a solid supporter of the festival on Twitter, and especially tweeting my reviews. You could have knocked me over with a feather! I only wrote those reviews for my own pleasure and to keep up my blogging, but it sure is nice that people are enjoying them! I got a VQFF t-shirt, a VQFF mug, and a $50 Cineplex Odeon gift card. Nice! Also, a small amount of fame since I was called up in front of the audience during the closing gala, and mentioned in a few articles.
Number of sites my 2012 VQFF reviews are posted on: New this year, all my 2012 reviews except Romeos have been reposted on GayVancouver. net. Thank you Mark!
Favourite feature-length film: It’s a three-way tie this year!
- Nate & Margaret: because who can resist Tyler Ross? Plus, he and Natalie West make a dynamite team.
- La fille de Montréal: sweet and moving, and made me all nostalgic for everything French-Canadian.
- Mia: obviously!
Favourite short film: A tie between Insert Credit (shown in The Coast is Queer) and I Don’t Want to Go Back Alone / Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho (shown in Head of the Class).
Movies I would have liked to see but didn’t:
- I Want Your Love. I was at the theatre and all ready to see it, but after Nate & Margaret a couple of friends got to chatting with the director, Nathan Adloff, and invited him to the Queer Arts Festival closing party at the Roundhouse. They invited me along too and really, how could I pass that up?
- The Falls. Bad planning on my part: I got there only five minutes before showtime, saw the length of the passholder hope line, and decided to hang out at Golden Age Collectables until The Green. I didn’t get to catch the second showing on the 26th either.
- Revoir Julie. Sadly, I was exhausted, so I had to go home after La fille de Montréal.
- From Coast to Coast is Queer
- Private Romeo. I had a BBQ on Saturday, but since those two shows were happening at the same time in different theatres, I would have had to make a choice. I think I would have gone to see Private Romeo, since the VGVA was sponsoring it.