Hooray! I’m Popular!

And a warm welcome to visitors surfing in from GayVancouver.Net. Seems I’ve been chosen as the GayVancouver.Net Proud! Out Loud! Web site of the week. Thank you to those who nominated me! It’s quite an honour to be counted with such excellent sites, but don’t worry: I won’t let it go to my head. Much.

Proud Out Loud! Web site of the week

And a warm welcome to visitors surfing in from GayVancouver.Net. Seems I’ve been chosen as the GayVancouver.Net Proud! Out Loud! Web site of the week. Thank you to those who nominated me! It’s quite an honour to be counted with such excellent sites, but don’t worry: I won’t let it go to my head. Much.

(I have to say, that award graphic adds a nice splash of colour, doesn’t it? The rainbow flag sure is pretty.)

If you’re reading this in my archives, rest assured this did not go to my head. And take a minute to visit GayVancouver.Net, won’t you?