I signed the lease!

This has been an interesting week and a half.

So for a while now, I’ve I’ve been thinking about moving downtown from the wilds of Port Coquitlam. I bought this condo almost six years ago; friends were buying into the building, they took me along one time and I totally fell in love with the show suite. I had money saved up and liked the idea of owning my own place, so I bought.

This has been an interesting week and a half.

So for a while now, I’ve been thinking about moving downtown from the wilds of Port Coquitlam. I bought this condo almost six years ago; friends were buying into the building, they took me along one time and I totally fell in love with the show suite. I had money saved up and liked the idea of owning my own place, so… I bought. The downsides of living in the burbs—needing a car to get anywhere, dick-all to do, and everything so far from everything else—didn’t bother me so much. Until a couple of years ago I worked on Burnaby Mountain, then in East Van, and my downtown social life was… poor. So I was content enough in my PoCoCondo.

Stuff happened, as stuff often does, and I was forced to reconsider a lot of my choices. Not that I regret buying a condo (it’s a terrific investment) but the reality of living in the boonies is beginning to wear on me. After being (metaphorically) kicked in the pants several times in the last few months, I finally began to take serious steps towards moving. Last Monday I met with a property manager that would handle the rental of my condo. Then, after figuring out my price range I started pounding the pavement. Let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like schlepping up and down the West End (and between the West End and Gastown, ‘cos I was still at work) when you’re fighting a cold. But I wanted to finish this as soon as possible, otherwise I was afraid I’d just keep coming up with excuses to put it off. So I checked out six places in the span of two grueling days, but it all paid off because I found an excellent apartment. It’s on a relatively quiet street, just two block from Sunset Beach and two blocks from the heart of Davie Village, fairly spacious for a downtown 1-bedroom, and very reasonably priced. Score!

Hell, I may end up saving money on this venture, especially since I can just walk to work (about half an hour either way, I timed it). Plus I’ll have more time to cook for myself, which means more savings. But of course, the goal is not to save money. The goal is to not be so damn isolated so much of the time. Downtown is where I need to be right now.