
A couple pics of stuff reflected in downtown Vancouver highrises.

A couple pics of stuff reflected in downtown Vancouver highrises.

The Block Building on Granville Street. I forget what the other building is. Scotiabank?

Block Building

Soft sunset clouds, taken near Georgia and Denman. It was a fine evening, and the light was just perfect.

Soft sunset clouds

Dawn and Dusk

My bedroom window, lit by the setting sun. Now that I think about it, I wonder at what hours and times of years it’s lit like that. Never really paid much attention to the Stonehenge that is the West End.

My bedroom window, lit by the setting sun. Now that I think about it, I wonder at what hours and times of years it’s lit like that. Never really paid much attention to the Stonehenge that is the West End. Food for thought, for sure.

My bedroom curtains

A pretty shot of Yaletown, from near Cambie & Pacific. Thank goodness I had my camera with me!

Yaletown dusk

The Sheraton Wall Centre towers, lightly kissed by the morning sun. This late in the year, I go for my workout just as the sun comes up.

Sheraton Wall Centre towers

Walking Lions’ Gate Bridge

On Tuesday I did something I’d been thinking about for a while: walking over Lions’ Gate Bridge. I didn’t really plann it, I just got impatient waiting for the bus after work, then started walking along Marine Dr. The bus drove past as I was between stops, so I thought, fuck it. It was a nice evening, not too warm and not too cold, I had my camera with me and the light looked right for some good sunset shots. Why not?

On Tuesday I did something I’d been thinking about for a while: walking over Lions’ Gate Bridge. I didn’t really plann it, I just got impatient waiting for the bus after work, then started walking along Marine Dr. The bus drove past as I was between stops, so I thought, fuck it. It was a nice evening, not too warm and not too cold, I had my camera with me and the light looked right for some good sunset shots. Why not?

Lions' Gate Bridge

Traffic on Lions' Gate Bridge

Here are a few things you don’t notice when you’re driving over the bridge:

  • Those factories, or whatever the hell they are, just west of the bridge between Capilano Indian Reserve and the sea… they stink. It’s a weird smell I couldn’t quite identify. Kind of seafoodish, I guess. What are they making or processing there?
  • The bridge vibrates from the constant traffic. By itself not a big deal, but it was kicking up my fear of heights quite a bit.

North Vancouver

Funny thing, though: until I actually set foot on the bridge, I didn’t think acrophobia would be a problem. I get nary a twinge from Burrard or Granville Bridges, but Lions’ Gate is a whole other beast. I kept angling away from the outer railing, even though that’d put me in the way of bicycles (unless there was a really good shot). To turn around I shifted my feet around carefully, as though I were walking on thin ice. In fact I didn’t trust my balance unless I was steadily walking straight ahead, preferably with one hand touching something solid.

Lions' Gate Bridge, sun going down

Of course, even after I got back on terra firma my journey was far from over, because still had to cross Stanley Park, and then downtown. I was tired, starving and I needed to pee really badly, but it was totally worth it! Though next time, I’ll go on the east sidewalk, to get a better view of downtown…

The Harbour and Canada Place

Sunset, Kits, Sunset on Kits

Last week I did something I hadn’t done in a while: bring my camera to work and take pictures from the SeaBus. Now that the days are getting shorter I can get some fine sunset pics—when the weather’s cooperating, as it was that day.

Last week I did something I hadn’t done in a while: bring my camera to work and take pictures from the SeaBus. Now that the days are getting shorter I can get some fine sunset pics—when the weather’s cooperating, as it was that day.

Sunset and Clouds


On Thanksgiving Sunday I went to see a play at the Jericho Arts Centre—lovely little place between Jericho and Locarno Beaches—and then a few of us went for dinner at a veggie restaurant in Kits, where I took one last shot of the sun going down on 4th Ave.

Belmont Ave

4th Avenue near MacDonald

A whole lotta sunsets

Well, just two for now. This week I started working full-time again— a short contract, which suits me right now. But it gave me the chance to take some lovely shots of the commute to and from North Van. Plus, just tonight, as I came home I saw False Creek swathed in a lovely fog, so I got right on Burrard Bridge to take a few shots. Turns out I wasn’t the only one, seems like every photographer in the area had the same idea!

Well, just two for now. This week I started working full-time again— a short contract, which suits me right now. But it gave me the chance to take some lovely shots of the commute to and from North Van. Plus, just tonight, as I came home I saw False Creek swathed in a lovely fog, so I got right on Burrard Bridge to take a few shots. Turns out I wasn’t the only one, seems like every photographer in the area had the same idea!

Sunrise from Lions' Gate Bridge

Lions' Gate Bridge

Skyline and Sunset

Canada Place

Vanier Park

The West End