Warning: Not for children or the faint of heart.
A few weeks ago, a hilariously weird and creepy entry came up on OTF Wank. There’s this guy, who’s married, and also has a girlfriend. His wife is happy being monogamous, but the girlfriend wants to have other partners and he’s jealous. So, okay, at first glance he just sounds like a controlling and selfish asshole, until you find out that his wife is a horse. Not just “horse-faced” but really a horse, species Equus Caballus. And yes, they’re “married.” Had a ceremony and everything, apparently. It’s all twisted and creepy and the people involved need professional help—especially the horsefucker, but also the girlfriend, who doesn’t mind playing second fiddle to a horse. But Gawd help me, I laughed. Check out the girlfriend’s (yes, the human one) art for a chuckle or two.
Then I mostly forgot about it. But this weekend, I read Something Awful’s latest Second Life Safari, which features a lot of horse fetishism. (Don’t click on that link unless you can handle freaky fetish gear and virtual bestiality. Seriously, you’ve been warned.)
And there’s the latest installment of Something Positive’s Life With Rippy storyline. I’ll let that speak for itself.
So, to recap, we’ve got bestiality, virtual bestiality and freaky horse-fetishists, all in a very short span of time. It’s a good thing I don’t believe in “the power of coincidence” or what have you, otherwise I’d seriously wonder what the universe is trying to tell me.