Looking Back at 2011

Not a big list this time, I’ll just mention two memorable highlights of 2011: I started working with Drupal, and I turned 40.

Not a big list this time, I’ll just mention two memorable highlights of 2011: I started working with Drupal, and I turned 40.


Since October 2010 I’ve been in a long-term contract as a developer with a small web shop, building e-commerce sites. After a few months working in Magento I started on a Drupal project (specifically Ubercart), and instantly fell in love. Most of the work I’ve done in 2011 has been in Drupal, mostly back-end coding around Ubercart, though there’s been some digging into core code, as well as front-end / theme development here and there.

In the last year or so I’ve gained tons of experience in Drupal—as well as WordPress in a few smaller projects, both paid and volunteer. Working with both systems has been extremely enjoyable, and I feel I’ve finally found my niche. I know it’ll open many doors for me.

The Big 4-0

I admit, I used to be antsy about turning 40, but when it actually happened, I felt just fine. 40 is just a number, right? Plus, what with volleyball, Taiji, cardio and weights, I’m in way better shape at 40 than at 30—or, hell, even at 39. Finally, everyone The other part is everybody telling me I look way younger than 40. The general consensus is early-thirtyish, though I did have one friend ask me if I was 26 when I mentioned my birthday. And I was all o_O. Just goes to show: 40 is the new 30.