Vancouver Queer Film Festival Review: Violet Tendencies

Meet Violet, the last single fag hag in her circle. She has an active social life with a large number of lovely, exciting, eccentric friends, friends who love everything about her… except her pussy. Will Violet ever find a man to fulfill all her needs? Will she ever meet her elusive “fag stag,” or is she looking for love in all the wrong places?

You take the good,
You take the bad
You take them both and there you have
The facts of life
The facts of life

Meet Violet, the last single fag hag in her circle. She has an active social life with a large number of lovely, exciting, eccentric friends, friends who love everything about her… except her pussy. Will Violet ever find a man to fulfill all her needs? Will she ever meet her elusive “fag stag,” or is she looking for love in all the wrong places?

Well, so that’s what Mindy Cohn has been up to! I haven’t seen her since The Facts of Life folded, but apparently she’s been starring in a number of shows. (Incidentally, some people talked about having a Facts of Life singalong before the movie, but that never materialised. Boo.) She brings tons of energy to her role, equally at ease with the witty comebacks as with the physical comedy.

Violet Tendencies is very light, fluffy comedy: not a whole lot of character development, all conflicts neatly resolved at the end. But hey, that’s exactly what I signed up for. And, there was a bit of substance to the storyline, especially Violet’s relationship with Vern. He seemed interesting at first, until the viewers realised that underneath a passionate love of architecture was a pretty small-minded and boring man who had nothing in common with her. To be with him, Violet would have to change or hide everything special about herself, give up all her longtime friends and her life in New York. In the end she decided it wasn’t worth it.

The film’s gorgeous director, Casper Andreas, was in attendance to answer questions (apparently Mindy Cohn is a huge fag hag in real life), and had DVD copies of the movie for sale. I got mine, signed!