Wow, what a trip it’s been. Going to so many screenings and then blogging about them will really take it out of you, but it was so worth it! I’ve seen some truly excellent movies this year, along with some… not so excellent ones. Well, they can’t all be winners, right?
But what made this year different was my decision to see as many movies as humanly possible, and then blog about them. Two years ago, I wrote a single blog post on The Coast Is Queer. One year ago, I wrote one blog post with short reviews of all the movies I saw (all 6 of them.) This year? A separate post for every single movie, in most cases written within a day of the actual showing (and never more than two): the longest, most intense sustained blogging I’ve ever done!
Let’s recap the festival a bit:
Number of shows I’ve seen: 14
Number of nights I did not see a movie: 3, including the opening and closing galas (I had to miss Wednesday night because of volleyball). One day I’ll remember in time that the opening and closing shows are not covered by the festival pass. I already had plans for the 12th so that couldn’t be helped, but I could have gone to the closing gala. Next year, I promise!
Number of wonderful, lovely people I met during the festival: lots
Favourite feature-length movie: Pornography: A Thriller
Favourite short film: Ooo, tough question. That’d be a tossup between The Heist and That’s Right Diana Barry, You Needed Me
Least favourite feature-length movie: Watercolors
Least favourite short film: No, I’m not going there. There were some shorts that didn’t speak to me, but none that I actively disliked.
Movies that I wanted to see but didn’t get the chance to: Children of God (who everyfuckingbody is still raving about); Gayblevision, which I had originally planned to go see until I realised the Zombie Walk was on that day and it’d be too hard to go all the way to Granville Island in time, and then back downtown to watch The Fish Child; the opening and closing gala screenings, Undertow / Contracorriente and Strella.
Favourite app: Okay, trick question, because there’s only one: the VQFF iPhone app, custom-made by the fine folks at Creative B’stro, the same ones responsible for the VQFF web site. It’s sharp, hip, pretty, and loaded with terrific features. Screening list, venue list, your own schedule, even your choice of pickup lines for when you’re standing next to a cute boy/girl/etc in line for a movie. Pity I could never get the “Compatibility” feature to work, for some reason it wouldn’t connect to other phones. Oh well.
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