Celebration of Light 2010: Team Mexico

That was… different. I don’t think I’d call it a success, but Mexico’s show was definitely interesting. If I had to pick a word to summarise it, it’d be “refined”. The music (from what I could hear) tended towards the classical, with some very soft, very soothing stretches, especially towards the beginning.

That was… different. I don’t think I’d call it a success, but Mexico’s show was definitely interesting. If I had to pick a word to summarise it, it’d be “refined”. The music (from what I could hear) tended towards the classical, with some very soft, very soothing stretches, especially towards the beginning.

That was probably a mistake, since the fireworks show during those soothing stretches was also extremely low-key. For a couple of minutes, we were treated to small sparkly golden arcs, rising in time to the music (I think)… and nothing else. One little girl sitting close by told her father, “They look like tears!”—which I didn’t really see, but I thought it was too good not to write down.

The big problem, I think, was that Mexico’s team designed the show around the music, with the fireworks only as accompaniment. But that leaves people without a radio out in the cold. The firework should stand on their own, and I don’t think these quite did. There were some good photo-worthy moments, but on the whole it didn’t gel. Sorry, Mexico.










