Chicken wings and the smell of lilac

Indoor volleyball season ended this weekend. I’ll miss getting up early Sunday morning to try to drop into C1; waiting at the door for Tony to come with the key; I’ll miss playing for over 7 hours all day, with only a 2-hour lunch break. I’ll miss dinner at the Fountainhead afterwards. This Sunday was especially nice, with those yummy honey-garlic chicken wings I haven’t had in a while, the lilac tree blooming next to the patio, and all the West End walking past on such a fine spring evening.

Indoor volleyball season ended this weekend. I’ll miss getting up early Sunday morning to try to drop into C1; waiting at the door for Tony to come with the key; I’ll miss playing for over 7 hours all day, with only a 2-hour lunch break. I’ll miss dinner at the Fountainhead afterwards. This Sunday was especially nice, with those yummy honey-garlic chicken wings I haven’t had in a while, the lilac tree blooming next to the patio, and all the West End walking past on such a fine spring evening.

Not sure I’ll be missing Friday night Rec dropin all that much. It’s fun, yes, and I get to hang out with friends who don’t play in the Sunday divisions, but I’m learning bad habits, especially in reffing, and the play level isn’t doing me any favours. And sometimes, there were other things I could have been doing on a Friday night.

So you know what? Next year I won’t be making Rec dropin a priority.

This year I’ve been dropping into C1 a lot more; I decided I needed to be a little more active in developing my skills so that (hopefully, someday) I can register for that division. It’s a hell of a workout and pretty stressful because the regulars are very demanding, way more than I2. Which is okay, right? After all, the “C” stands for “competitive”, not “comfort zone”. It’s been worth it; my play is still inconsistent but I think I’ve improved. Enough to ace the tryouts in the fall? Well, we’ll see.