Night Lights

A few photos I took last night, as a friend and I went out on the town:

A few photos I took last night, as a friend and I went out on the town:

I wanted to see Maison du Québec, especially since I heard some Cirque du Soleil acrobats were there the night before. Nothing much was happening when we got there (6:00 — 7:00) so we wandered around Ontario House and Hockey House and a couple of other houses, swung by Robson Square, watched some foreign dancers for a bit and listened to the screams of people going by on the zipline above.

Dancers and Skaters at Robson Square

Off to Sunset Beach to check out the lights (I meant to go back with a tripod. My camera dealt with low lights very well, but the pics were still a little blurry). I tried to experiment with taking different exposures of the Burrard Bridge to play with HDR photography, but all photos ended up more or less the same. Damn. I’m not sure what I was doing wrong. Oh well, it’ll still be there tomorrow.

Lights on Sunset Beach

Then cutting right across downtown again to check out the Olympic Cauldron. Which I’ve never seen at night. Bowing to popular pressure, the powers that be did cut a little band in the surrounding fence at about eye height, so people could at least stick their cameras in and take proper pictures. I don’t know, I understand about security and safety, but surely there were better alternatives than some dreary chain-link fence?

The Olympic Cauldron

I don’t remember if it was near Robson Square or the Art Gallery that we saw this little structure that smelled of delicious cedar. Mmm. Was that Haida Gwaii House? I’ll have to go back and check.

Art Gallery

Next on the list: Granville Island attractions. Maritime House and Place de la Francophonie, anyone?