Two things you only see at night

Last night was the first installment of the Celebration of Light. I was exhausted from work and volleyball, possibly coming down with something, and I actually considered not going. But hey: I’m right next to the beach, it was Canada Night, and I’d get to see how this new camera of mine handled fireworks.

Verdict: awesome.

Last night was the first installment of the Celebration of Light. I was exhausted from work and volleyball, possibly coming down with something, and I actually considered not going. But hey: I’m right next to the beach, it was Canada Night, and I’d get to see how this new camera of mine handled fireworks.

Verdict: awesome.

Fireworks, July 22

And then today, I took pictures of a bat at work. Just a little bat, hanging on to the wall of the inner courtyard, and sleeping. That’s the first time anybody’s seen it there, at least in the daytime. I wonder if it’s lost, or disoriented? A coworker said it might have gotten drunk on rotten apples and was sleeping off its hangover.


I wish I could have gotten a look at its face. As it was, I had to settle for its wee little claws (on its feet, and the single claw on its wing-joint) that seem enough to support its weight, the soft little fur on its back, and daintily folded wings. Also, since I was shooting through a window, I got to practice with my camera’s manual focus.