Heh. Well, it’s that time of year. They were on a roof, across the street and a few storeys below my window. The male was sitting on top of the female for a couple of minutes after a co-worker pointed them out. Just… sitting there. Not moving, no bamp-chicka-bamp music. Then he flapped his wings a bit, and the female scooted out from under him. They hung around the roof for a couple of hours. Frankly I was a bit disappointed, but I assume they enjoyed it, and that’s what counts, right?
I wonder where they’re going to build their nest. Gulls traditionally build them along the coast, right? Then again, the water is just a short hop from downtown in three out of four directions. Wherever they settle down, I wish them luck.
PS: it looked like the male was a bit larger than the female, and its wings a bit darker grey. Interesting. I never thought there was any sexual dimorphism in gulls, but there you go.