A New Look

Rejoice, for I bring you a version change. Here’s what’s new:

A new colour scheme, inspired by my recently repainted condo.
A search function, powered by Google. One of these days I may implement one on my own.

Rejoice, for I bring you a version change. Here’s what’s new:

  • A new colour scheme, inspired by my recently repainted condo.
  • A search function, powered by Google. One of these days I may implement one on my own.
  • The sidebar is now identical for all pages. I’ve dropped the “previous” and “next” links in posts since it seemed to confuse the aforementioned search function if one searched by post title.
  • A couple new archive categories.
  • The photo galleries’ footer text is now consistent with the rest of the site. Likewise, the photo pages’ layout is more consistent with that of the galleries.
  • Speaking of photo galleries, all my old galleries are back online (with a few additions). ’Bout fracking time.

Finally, major props to Browsershots. Without it, I wouldn’t have caught the IE double-margin bug that seemed to show up only in IE 6. Not 5, not 7, only 6. And of course my site looks fine in Firefox and Safari. Bah. Stupid IE. And I couldn’t ignore it, ’cos that browser makes up 40% of my traffic (such as it is).